Today is the last day of my work being over at Kettlestrings Tavern in Oak Park, and I am taking a break from teaching classes for the summer – except for co-facilitating a live plein air painting day at the Oak Park Art League on Sunday, June 27 from 10-2:00 to coincide with the Oak Park River Forest Garden Walk that day. My co-facilitator will be Kathy Hirsh, a great teacher of portraiture, plein air and drawing the figure. We will have a model there, and the courtyard is fairly shaded, so it should be a really nice morning and afternoon.

Another Garden Walk where I painted en plein air in 2018 at Cheney Mansion in Oak Park

My mixed media classes and workshops will start up again in September, assuming everything stays reopened and all is well. Stay tuned for that schedule and/or check the OPAL website.

I am in the middle of a fantastic online course called the Language of Design, starting week 3 of 6 today, with the delightful and magnificent Mark Eanes. It is perfect for beginners to advanced artists, though as each week progresses the exercises and concepts get more and more challenging. A lot like the Language of Color workshop I took from Mark last August, I knew a lot of concepts but did not have names for them, and also like that workshop, I had no idea what I didn’t know! This workshop is mostly self-guided but there is a lot of support and we have live zoom calls every two weeks.

Some samples of what’s going on – studies in line and shape so far, and all exercises have deliberately set parameters so we are free to get bold and try different approaches within those limitations.

Happy Almost Summer!

Gestural Line drawn with sticks
Deconstructed and Reconstructed gestural line study
Black and White Photographs from around the house
Franz Kline study
Figure/Ground & Spaces in Between