I turned 50 on Tuesday! Last Saturday my friends in Oak Park/Forest Park had a little gathering and outing to Goldyburgers to see a favorite band, which was pretty perfect considering a) how I was feeling – the beginnings of a cold taking shape, and b) I like a low-key party. Kimberly even made a 50th birthday music mix for me. So sweet! Also, I did not receive a single over-the-hill, black balloon themed, old lady card or gift. This makes me smile. 

I did have nice a long weekend filled with birthday plans, though, and after Saturday night’s gathering, from which I had to leave early, these plans were all entirely thwarted by the nasty cold that fully showed itself starting on Sunday morning. I spent the next three days mostly horizontal and miserable, barely noticing the day I left my 40’s behind for good. The lovely cards, gifts, flowers and messages surrounding the day are so appreciated, though, I promise. 

 At work the other day someone asked me if the age of 50 has brought me a sense of wisdom. Hahahahahaha! 

Well, I mean, sure the experience of living 50 years means I’ve been through and seen and experienced a lot of things, but I wouldn’t say that amounts to wisdom. I’d say that 50 brings with it a glimpse of perspective – life is short, everything changes, even those things I count on to stay the same, history repeats, years go by so quickly, my intuition is always right on and I should trust it, things often don’t turn out how I plan, the world is unbelievably huge and tiny at the same time, and peace looks and feels something like keeping an open heart and mind and learning to go with the flow and feel gratitude. Keep what wants to stay, let go of what wants to leave, and look back with fondness or not at all. 

Other than feeling like I had been run over by a truck for three days last weekend, the half-century mark feels good! Thank you for the birthday greetings helping me celebrate and reminding me how lucky I am. XO


Addendum: The week prior to my birthday was the wonderful big annual fundraiser, Artist in All, where Misericordia artists’ work is showcased and auctioned at the Modern Wing at the Art Institute of Chicago. This was my first time experiencing this event and it was really wonderful. Some photos! The first one is from the Red Carpet Open House the day before. This is me with some of my Monday classroom residents. (I’m not supposed to post photos of residents but thish one was shared publicly on Misericordia’s social media so I hope it’s okay.)

The event itself had around 1700 people in attendance, which was pretty overwhelming and also lovely to see everyone all dressed up and meet their families. I was pleased to see the Contemporary Art Gallery upstairs open so I could visit a couple of my favorite pieces, one by Joan Mitchell and the other by Robert Rauschenberg. It was also a little haven of quiet respite during an evening that required a LOT of talking. Then a little walk around the park and back to the garage. I always love to walk around Chicago at night. AIC is in a beautiful part of the city.

It was a great experience, though, and I highly recommend going next year if you are inclined. Great art, great food, great open bar, and a great cause!